

Imperial Navy crew of a warship

Dr. Doi's son who wins immediately hit Mr. Research cuisine Hilo
Dr. T. Doi Doi workshop (Live Foods Committee) to Korapo and
^ ^ A big storm in the culinary world

Mr. New Year cuisine immediately hit Hilo

We recommend everyone,
Take over the work of Masaru Doi (Live Foods Committee)

From Wikipedia
Doi did not profess much to his later years, the basis of its own food, "the sound of a knife in my mother" and "Navy Life" had said. He had excellent grades for skills from naval school of accounting period

"Yamato" was crew membership. He fixes that were proud that the Imperial Navy was the crew of a warship.
However, because most of the comrades who died in a bomb fell on the Budget Division should post he had,
負 I目 felt a sense of lifelong retirement that survived were ordered just before the last sortie of Yamato.

More specifically, how to steam cook vegetables in season as less water is a precious feeling of cuisine water and fuel, the Navy was based on traditional methods of nutrition also miss out. And Doi in his later years in the program showed it was a memorable talk that a mother's warm kitchen of his childhood with a smile, that recipe did not mention a word of it's fleet.

Doi teaching performance is less flashy but the basics of how food is cooked reasonable Doi, who is embodies the Spartan navy school of accounting textbooks. Doi also 出Sazu shop for business, not covered even the finest foods only contain some of the mouth. He was called home to fruition in a peaceful place skills and experience gained in World War II, was one of many during World War II faction. He was busted at a young age for many comrades, and said it fulfilled its obligations.

Doi Workshop (Live Foods Committee) and the Korapo
The Art & Making OSAKA vol.8 Bazaar
2011.12/17 (Sat.), 18 (Sun) ATC Hall in Osaka

Curry good tourist souvenirs white MACH Ⅲ Sakai (retort) to sell,

Corner Cafe
Homemade lunch, snacks and bread
Booth sells curry No.CA-white MACH Ⅲ in 06

^ ^ Please purchase travel

God of the boat, Mr. Nonaka sign 貰Imashita

Japan's first ostrich food specialty stores,
Riders cafe MACH Ⅲ
469-6 Sakai City Mihara Ward 北余部
TEL & FAX072-361 over 3171
http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/ ~ maltuha / index.html

Notice of hiatus in December 2011
The next day the first Tuesday and third,
06 (Tues.) 7 (Wednesday), 20 (Tue) to 21 (Wed) to holiday shop,

Notice of hiatus in January 2012
New Year's day (Sunday) 2 (Mon) May 3 (Tuesday) 4 (Wednesday), 17 (Tue) 18 (Wed) to holiday shop,
We apologize for any inconvenience but thank you

Master Mach

The send-off you the other day,


集E, four Super glory


The ultimate pork noodles


More details here

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